February 23 2018

Rick Hidalgo, PE, Presents Benefits of Situational Awareness HMI

The North Texas Section of the Water Environment Association of Texas recently held their annual February Seminar in Dallas, Texas, and Rick Hidalgo was selected by conference organizers to conduct a presentation on the benefits of Situational Awareness HMI. Situational Awareness HMI is an emerging ISA philosophy for graphics development which has been shown to improve operators’ abilities to foresee and prevent abnormal conditions as well as respond more quickly to alarms when they do occur.

Signature’s own Kevin Patel, PE, is part of the team developing this new standard through his membership on the ISA 101 committee for Human-Machine Interfaces. Signature Automation has also assisted several water and wastewater clients with implementing all or parts of the new standards on their system, and these experiences were used to develop Rick’s presentation for the event.